Featured Research Projects

Featured Research Projects

Listed projects include research awards from an array of federal and state agencies, as well as industries and foundations.

Multiyear contracts and grants are organized by the original award date, along with the total anticipated funding amounts. These figures may not account for subsequent changes, such as funding adjustments or transfers. Additionally, due to sponsor guidelines, some awards may not be included in our listings.

Baolin Deng

Baolin Deng

Title: University of Missouri Flood Risk Resiliency and Inland Waterway Navigation Research
Sponsor: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Amount: $2,000,000
Project Period: 10/1/24-9/30/27

Portrait of Hani Salim

Hani Salim

Title: Center of Excellence for Engineering and Information Technology
Sponsor: Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
Amount: $3,460,000
Project Period: 7/1/24-6/30/25

Shelia Grant Portrait

Sheila Grant

Title: Accelerating Materials Design and Manufacturing through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Sponsor: Arizona State University
Amount: $1,873,408
Project Period: 3/28/24-3/27/26

Shelia Grant Portrait

Sheila Grant

Title: Technology, Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Hub
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Amount: $5,499,466
Project Period: 2/1/24-1/31/28


Mahmoud Almasri

Title: NSF Convergence Accelerator Track J: Phase 2 Rapid Detection Technologies and Decision-Support Systems for Safe, Equitable Food Systems
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Amount: $1,785,585
Project Period: 12/15/23-11/30/24

Baolin Deng

Baolin Deng

Title: Towards sustainable water resource management in Missouri through technology advancement, stakeholder engagement and workforce development
Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency
Amount: $5,000,000
Project Period: 10/1/23-9/30/26

Kannappan Palaniappan

Kannappan Palaniappan

Title: Edge-High Performance Computing for Multi-Domain Operations
Sponsor: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Amount: $3,327,973
Project Period: 9/11/23-9/10/25


Chanwoo Park

Title: Dual-Mode Hybrid Two-Phase Loop for Data Center Cooling
Sponsor: Department of Energy
Amount: $1,299,281
Project Period: 9/8/23-9/7/26

Matt Maschmann

Matt Maschmann

Title: NRT-HDR: Advancing Materials Frontiers with Creativity and Data Science
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Amount: $3,000,000
Project Period: 7/1/23-6/30/28