March 04, 2024

Wayne Carter is a leader among Mizzou Engineering students. A civil engineering major with a passion for structural engineering, Carter is president of Mizzou’s chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), marshal for the Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society, a teaching assistant (TA) for first-year students in Foundations of Engineering and a peer mentor for freshmen in civil engineering. And now, he is among the 2024 ASCE class of New Faces of Civil Engineering – Collegiate Edition.
Ten honorees are chosen each year for their academic accomplishments and commitment to serving others, according to ASCE.
“I love civil engineering and all the things that civil engineers do,” Carter said. “Earning this award means a lot to me because of all the effort I’ve put into revitalizing our ASCE chapter. I spend multiple hours each week asking myself how I can help make our chapter better, and how can I help civil students take their learning inside the classroom to outside the classroom. Having that work be recognized is a really great feeling, and I’m honored to receive this award.”

Carter transferred to Mizzou his sophomore year after attending college back home in Mississippi. He made the move after a hamstring injury, which he calls a blessing in disguise, prevented him from competing in track and field and opened more time to pursue co-curricular opportunities directly related to engineering. Mizzou Engineering’s academic reputation and numerous opportunities for student involvement made the College the perfect match.
Now a senior, he plans to pursue graduate education in structural engineering after graduating this May. The pursuit is the culmination of a lifelong fascination with buildings that has grown from wanting to become an architect designing buildings to an engineer building better ones.
“What inspires me, and makes me want to continue in this field, is sustainability and the potential for innovation,” he said. “We’re moving into an age where people are tired of seeing just the same things being done. People are thinking outside of the box, moving away from ‘what can help us now’ and toward ‘what can help us grow.’ A big shift is happening right now, and I’m excited to be a part of it.”
Carter wants to continue being an advocate for younger students to pursue civil engineering. He encourages other students to get involved in organizations, attend or watch lectures from speakers about what is happening in the field and make connections with people who can become mentors.
“I wouldn’t be here without the different mentors I’ve had; both the professors at Mizzou Engineering and mentors outside the College who I’ve had the honor to meet for lunch and discuss how to achieve my goals,” Carter said. “They’ve highlighted the importance of making intentional decisions, for example, what classes to take or internships to apply for. And they’re my biggest motivators.
“The most important people in the world have a group of people around them, sharing wisdom in their ears,” he said. “I’m grateful to have mentors who speak wisdom into my ears.”
Study a field you’re passionate about where you can grow into a leader. Choose Mizzou Engineering!