Learning new things: Guerrero completes internship at Kimley-Horn

August 13, 2024

Meet Sofia Guerrero, a rising senior in civil engineering with a minor in engineering sustainability. She found her way to Mizzou Engineering by honing in on her interests.

“My passion for math and science led me to a field where I can expand on these subjects and apply them to real-world situations,” Guerrero said. “Additionally, my love for the outdoors inspired me to dive further into sustainability.”

Guerrero is in Chicago this summer interning at Kimley-Horn. We asked her a few questions about the experience.

Tell us about your internship at Kimley-Horn. What’s your role and primary responsibility?

I interned with the Asset Management team at Kimley-Horn in the Chicago West office. My team is dedicated to maintaining and optimizing existing properties. In my role, I primarily focus on editing and updating site plans for clients while ensuring compliance with all necessary permitting requirements.

What is a typical day like?

My typical day in the office primarily involves working with AutoCAD. I handled site plans that were either pre-drawn or ones that I created based on satellite views. I also enjoyed grabbing lunch with fellow interns and coworkers, which made the workday more fun.

How did Mizzou Engineering prepare you for this internship?

Having a background in AutoCAD made the transition into my internship a lot easier. It gave me a solid starting point that I could build on as the summer progressed.

How did Mizzou Engineering Career Services assist you with securing or preparing for this internship?

I first heard about Kimley-Horn through the career fairs and speaking to their recruiters. I felt prepared to attend the fair after going to events like the Mad Dash Resume Review, which helped strengthen my resume.

What have you enjoyed most working at Kimley-Horn so far?

Kimley-Horn has such a well-rounded internship program. I got to meet so many new people through fun company events and learned a lot about asset management and the other disciplines they have to offer!

What have you learned from your internship experience?

I have learned to give myself grace while absorbing so much information in just three months. Transitioning from a semesterly class schedule to this new workflow always takes some adjustment. I’ve also learned the value of networking. This summer, I’ve had the privilege of meeting some incredible people, and I look forward to staying connected through our future endeavors.

What advice would you give other students wanting to pursue an internship in this area?

Engineering consulting was a field I didn’t fully understand before jumping into it. Internships are the perfect opportunity to explore what you like and don’t like, and my time there gave me a thorough understanding of both the industry and the company’s culture.

Thank you for sharing!

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