Mizzou Engineering organizations start year with New Student BBQ

August 22, 2024

Mizzou Engineers gathered at Shamrock Plaza to celebrate the beginning of a new year with the New Student BBQ, hosted by Mizzou Engineering Student Council (MESC).

“We host the BBQ to give freshmen the opportunity to connect with other students who share their passions,” Jenna Skidmore, a programming director for MESC, said.

Student organizations lined the sidewalk adjacent to Lafferre Hall to encourage returning and incoming Tigers to get involved. The BBQ is one of the largest events at the College and is a great place for students to find their niche and start making friends in their new home.

“My favorite part of the BBQ is seeing all the organizations in one place, looking at all the things they actually work on as groups and seeing everybody all together,” Bryan Micksch, another programming director for MESC, said.

Scroll to see more pictures from the New Student BBQ.

Two students at New Student BBQ
Students getting food at BBQ
Two students at New Student BBQ
Four students at New Student BBQ
Three students at New Student BBQ
Group of students at New Student BBQ
New Student BBQ 2024