June 14, 2024

Meet Mariam Morafa, a senior industrial engineering student and president of the Mizzou National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) chapter. While she did not begin college as an industrial engineer, she says it is the best choice for her career goals.
“I chose to switch my major to industrial and systems engineering (ISE) in my sophomore year,” she said. “It was the perfect mix of my interests in engineering and business, playing to both of my strengths. Having a more dynamic degree fit into the different career paths that I wanted to pursue. Despite having one vision going into college, I realized that there is so much more out there that you can do with engineering and ISE was the perfect fit for me to explore.”
Morafa is conducting a supply chain internship with HP this summer in Spring, Texas. We asked her a few questions about the experience.
Tell us about your internship at HP. What’s your role and primary responsibility?
I am a supply chain intern at HP. I support the documentation of our procurement process and integrate best practices from different teams. I am also creating a new product-tracking database.
What’s a typical day like?
A typical day starts with me checking my email for anything new, attending meetings and working on draft models for my projects. Then I typically grab lunch with friends, have my 1:1 with either my manager or someone on my team and attend a seminar or event at our location. Finally, I close out the day with 1 or 2 coffee chats with different business units to learn more about HP or a course that will support my projects.
How did Mizzou Engineering prepare you for this internship?
Mizzou Engineering gave me more confidence in my technical skills. Specifically, the ISE department taught me things that could be applied to real-world situations. Even if it did not impact my direct line of work, those lessons helped me understand what was happening far quicker.
How did Mizzou Engineering Career Services assist you with securing or preparing for this internship?
The Mizzou Career Fairs helped me to feel comfortable talking to recruiters and telling my story. I have attended every career fair since freshman year and my ability to secure opportunities here and at external conferences, such as NSBE, has drastically improved.
What have you enjoyed most working at HP so far?
I have enjoyed the community of people. One of the best perks of working with a company like HP is the ability to schedule just 15 minutes with people to learn about their journey, why they stayed and how they can support you on your path.
What have you learned from your internship experience?
I’ve learned to remain confident in my abilities. My team trusts my perspective and wants an unbiased review of how their systems could improve. Shaking off that imposter syndrome is the best part of an internship experience.
What advice would you give other students wanting to pursue an internship in this area?
First and foremost, focus on your courses. ISE translates to the real world extremely well, so ask your professors for opportunities to see these principles in action.
Secondly, for any internship, you need mentors and peers who are thriving in this area to succeed. Connect in person or on LinkedIn with someone who is at the job or in a career that you wish to pursue and take it from there. Everyone’s path is different, but finding one that reflects your experience is the best way to go about it.
Do you have any other recommendations?
If you are interning this summer remember to enjoy it and focus on if this is something you want to do as a career. Too often, people focus solely on money or prestige, but understanding if it fits your work-life balance, values and community is just as important.
If you are not interning, that is ok! Keep learning and growing to pursue your dreams, because once the right opportunity presents itself, you will be prepared.
Thank you for sharing!
Earn an engineering degree at a college that supports students’ careers. Choose Mizzou Engineering!