Certificate in Global Supply Chain Management - Mizzou Engineering

The Department of Management in the Trulaske College of Business, and the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering offer an interdisciplinary undergraduate Certificate in Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM).

What is it?

The undergraduate certificate in Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is a 15 credit-hour interdisciplinary certificate.

Why pursue it?

Over the last several decades, supply chain management has gained broad acceptance by both academics and practitioners and is currently considered a core discipline in business/industrial engineering education. SCM draws heavily upon expertise in operations management, strategic management, marketing, logistics, transportation, information technology and decision sciences. SCM is not merely an effort to increase operational and cost efficiencies; the implementation of SCM approaches and tools have strategic implications for an increasingly competitive business environment.

A career in SCM presents with a wide range of opportunities. The potential job functions in SCM include purchasing, operations and production, transportation, distribution, supply chain planning, warehousing and materials handling, import/export operations, sales, inventory control and supply chain analytics.

Requirements: 15 completed hours (9 required, 6 elective), 3.0 GPA in the 12 completed hours


Students complete an online application to apply for the certificate or send an email for more information. Industrial Engineering students should also notify Dr. Noble. The internship experience (IMSE 4910) for IMSE students with a SCM focus must be approved by Dr. Noble.

Plan of Study Form

Course Catalog


Industrial and Systems Engineering

Degree Type

Undergraduate Certificates

Contact Information

Dr. Jim Noble
