We would like to thank all of our Engineers’ Week donors. The generosity of these companies helps make many E-Week events possible. E-Week remains successful with their help and support.
Want to be an Engineers’ Week donor?
Contact us at mu.eweek@gmail.com if you would like to be an E-Week donor.
Businesses and individuals are welcome.
Donor Levels
Platinum – $2,500 and up
Donors at the Platinum Level receive everything listed in Green Level as well as:
- 10 social media posts with donor information on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook
- Donating to one of our premier events with result in the donor’s name to be associated with the event throughout all of the E-Week celebrations
- The premier event may be picked by the donor
Platinum Donors:

Green – $1,000 – $2,499
Donors at the Green Level receive everything listed in Gold Level as well as:
- Eight social media posts with donor information on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook
- Verbal announcement of the company’s donation at Dome Lighting
Green Donors:

Gold – $750 – $999
Donors at the Gold Level receive everything listed in Black Level as well as:
- Five social media posts with donor information on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook
Gold Donors:

Black – $500
Donors at the Black Level will have logo present on:
- Lab Exhibit t-shirts
- Events poster, which will be showcased at merchandise table and large events
- Engineers’ Week website ran by the College of Engineering
Black Donors: