Brandon Sansom
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Email: bjsn7f@missouri.edu
Brandon Sansom is an affiliate faculty member the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and a research engineer in the River Studies Branch at the U.S. Geological Survey – Columbia Environmental Research Center. His research centers around transport phenomena in riverine ecosystems with specific focuses on organism-flow interactions, how these interactions contribute to the structure and function of river ecosystems, and how improved understanding of organism-flow interactions can aid aquatic ecosystem conservation and management efforts. Current research projects include: 1) biophysical interactions between native freshwater mussels and their habitat, 2) characterizing and quantifying pallid sturgeon age-0 dispersal, and 3) predicting freshwater mussel eDNA fate and transport. He has received a BA from Washington and Jefferson College, a MS from the University of Oklahoma, and a PhD from SUNY Buffalo.
PhD from SUNY Buffalo
MS from University of Oklahoma
BA from Washington and Jefferson College