Derek T. Anderson
305 Naka Hall
Phone: 573-884-6628
Email: andersondt@missouri.edu
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Derek Anderson is a professor in electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Missouri, a core faculty member of the MU Institute for Data Science & Informatics, and he directs the Mizzou INformation and Data FUsion Laboratory (MINDFUL). His focus is information fusion and computational intelligence/machine learning/artificial intelligence in the context of signal/image processing and computer vision for remote sensing. Anderson has published more than 190 articles (book chapters, journals, and conference proceedings), and he has helped organize and run multiple domestic and international conferences, special sessions, workshops and tutorials. Anderson has received approximately $29 million to date in funding across 25 research projects. More information can be found at www.derektanderson.com.
PhD from the University of Missouri
MS from the University of Missouri
BS from Wichita State University
Technical Focus
Data/information fusion
Machine learning
Computational intelligence
Artificial intelligence
Signal/image processing
Computer vision
Remote sensing