Fang Wang
Associate Teaching Professor, Director of CREXR Lab, Director of Undergraduate Studies
E2437H Lafferre Hall
Phone: 573-884-8747
Email: wangfan@missouri.edu
Fang Wang is an associate teaching professor and the director of undergraduate studies in the Department of Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Missouri, and director of the Collaborative Research Environments for Extended Reality (CREXR) Lab. Before joining MU, she worked as a senior software engineer in research and development at Ansys Inc. Prior to that, she worked as a senior device modeling and characterization engineer at Motorola Inc. and Freescale Semiconductor Inc. Her current research interests include virtual and augmented reality, game and mobile application in healthcare and education, and engineering simulation software development.
PhD from the University of Missouri
MS from Southern Methodist University
BS from Nankai University
Technical Focus
Engineering simulation software and device modeling
Mobile application development