Peifen Zhu
Assistant Professor
141B Naka Hall
Phone: 573.884.4250
Email: pzhu@missouri.edu
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Peifen Zhu is an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Missouri College of Engineering. Prior to joining the University of Missouri in Fall 2022, she was an assistant professor in the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics at the University of Tulsa. She received a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Lehigh University in 2015. Her research work covers the theoretical and experimental aspects of photonics, optoelectronic devices, optical physics, and electronic/photonic materials for energy efficiency and renewable energy. She received the NSF CAREER award and Zelimir Schmidt Award for Outstanding Researcher.
Zhu’s semiconductor device laboratories focus on the physics and device technologies of semiconductor nanostructures for photonics, energy efficiency, and renewable energy applications. Multidisciplinary computational/theoretical and experimental research works are strongly encouraged and pursued in our group. We welcome students/postdocs who came from various disciplines including Physics/Applied Physics, Electrical Engineering, Material Science Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering to join our group. Our group focuses on Applied Science and Engineering, where we employ fundamental knowledge derived from physics, chemistry, and material science in solving problems in engineering with technological impact. Several of the key applications pursued in our research group include solid-state lighting, solar cells, solar hydrogen, thermoelectricity, photocatalytic reduction of CO2, perovskites, quantum wells/dots, metal-organic frameworks (MOF), and rare-earth-doped functional materials.
Technical Focus
Optoelectronic materials and devices