Ramy H. Mohammed

Ramy Mohammed portrait

Ramy H. Mohammed

Postdoctoral Fellow

E2416 Lafferre Hall

Email: rabdelhady@missouri.edu


Mohammed received his Ph.D. in 2019 from the University of Central Florida (UCF). He was awarded the best dissertation in the 2018-2019 academic year in the College of Engineering and Computer Science at UCF. He joined Zagazig University, Egypt, in October 2019 as an Assistant Professor, where his research was supported by the Center of Excellence of Water-The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Science Technology Development Fund (STDF), and the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT). He was also working at the American University in Cairo, Egypt, leading researchers and graduate students working on an international project funded by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

He solves scientific challenges at the interface of thermal-fluid, material, and energy sciences, trying to address the energy-water-environment nexus in an integrated and sustainable way. His research interests include adsorption systems-based cooling, heating, desalination, energy storage or dehumidification, HVAC&R, heat pump, non-vapor compression cycles, thermal desalination, and thermal management, thermal energy hybridization systems for electricity, cooling/heating, and freshwater production. His experimental and numerical research resulted in more than 45 first-class international journal papers, six conference articles, one book, one book chapter, and two invention disclosures. His name has been listed among the 2022 World’s Top 2% Scientists published by Elsevier and compiled by Stanford University.


PhD from University of Central Florida
MSc from University of Central Florida
BS from Zagazig University (Egypt)

Technical Focus

Adsorption and thermal desalination cycles

Adsorption cooling/heating system

Energy-water nexus

Heat pump

Thermal energy hybridization systems

Thin film and capillary evaporation


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