Zhiqiang Hu

Zhiqiang Hu portrait

Zhiqiang Hu

Curators' Distinguished Professor, P.E., William Andrew Davidson Professor

E2509 Lafferre Hall

Phone: 573-884-0497

Email: huzh@missouri.edu

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Zhiqiang Hu is a Curators’ Distinguished Professor and William Andrew Davidson Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Missouri. Hu’s research interests include water and wastewater treatment, environmental nanotechnology and biotechnology, and emerging renewable energy issues. His research has been funded by the Environmental Protection Agency, National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Environment Research Foundation and other members of industry. He is a registered professional engineer in Connecticut.


PhD from the University of Connecticut
MS from the University of Connecticut
BS from Zhejiang University

Technical Focus

Bacterial adhesion biofilm formation and biofilm processes

Biomass and emerging renewable energy issues

Bioreactor landfills

Environmental nanotechnology bioelectrochemistry and biosensors

Integrated biochemical and physicochemical treatment systems

Process modeling of suspended and attached growth systems

Wastewater treatment and biological nutrient removal



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Research Interests

  • Wastewater treatment and biological nutrient removal
  • Environmental nanotechnology, bioelectrochemistry and biosensors
  • Bacterial adhesion, biofilm formation and biofilm processes
  • Integrated biochemical and physicochemical treatment systems
  • Biomass and emerging renewable energy issues
  • Bioreactor landfills
  • Process modeling of suspended and attached growth systems