Neuro Expertise
Dr. Satish Nair
CI Expertise
Dr. Prasad Calyam
Neuroinformatics Expertise
Dr. Dong Xu
Biomedical Informatics Expertise
Dr. Trupti Joshi
External Collaborators
CyVerse is funded by the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Biological Sciences. It is a dynamic virtual organization led by the University of Arizona to fulfill a broad mission
NSG Portal
The NSG provides an administratively and technologically streamlined environment for uploading models, specifying HPC job parameters, querying running job status, receiving job completion notices, and storing and retrieving output data.
XSEDE is a single virtual system that scientists can use to interactively share computing resources, data and expertise.
Human Brain Project
The Human Brain Project is a H2020 FET Flagship Project which strives to accelerate the fields of neuroscience, computing and brain-related medicine.