Undergraduate Research Fellowship

The Undergraduate Research Fellowship in the College of Engineering is designed to enhance undergraduate engineering students’ involvement in research with the expectation that they will be encouraged to pursue a graduate degree in engineering. Selected students will receive a $1,500 stipend per semester, comprised of a 50% cost share between an engineering faculty mentor or department, and the College of Engineering.

The application deadline is 5 p.m. on Friday, January 31, 2025.


Full-time engineering students in good standing who provide a letter of recommendation from a College of Engineering faculty member are eligible to apply. Current Fellowship students renewing for a subsequent semester are required to submit a written summary of accomplishments from the previous semester.

  • Applicants must fill out an online application form, include the required letter of recommendation by a College of Engineering faculty member, a resume, and a summary of accomplishments (if applicable), and submit the application by the second Friday of the start of the semester, regardless of holidays, in which research is to begin.
  • The number of fellowships is limited so apply early. This Fellowship program supports students who are not receiving, during the same term, an additional departmental (or otherwise) fellowship or appointment. Examples include but are not limited to: Discover Fellows, Stamps Scholars, Show-Me Scholars, etc.
  • Selection criteria: Selection will be based on, the resume, academics, and the letter of recommendation.
  • Must have a College of Engineering faculty mentor selected before applying.
  • Supply a MoCode from your mentor for the departmental funds match.
  • Applicants must reapply each semester to continue participating in the Engineering Undergraduate Research Fellowship program.
Program Requirements
  • Students are strongly encouraged, but not required, to enroll in research hours such as honors or non-honors undergraduate research in their department (examples: ECE 4990, INFOTC 4990, MAE 4995H, and many others). Students need not take this course more than one time, preferably during the first semester of fellowship receipt. Submit a research thesis/report at completion of the research project.
  • The College of Engineering faculty mentor must supply a MoCode for 50% cost share for the stipend.
  • Students must present a poster at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum (held in fall, spring and summer) or another engineering and/or scientific research poster event each semester while in the program.
Contact Information

For additional questions about this fellowship program, please reach out to:
Molly Horn
W1025 Lafferre Hall