December 08, 2022

Members of the Mizzou chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) racked up five awards at the NSBE Region V Fall Regional Conference this fall.
The conference allows NSBE members from universities throughout the Midwest to meet one another and network with industry professionals.
“It is filled with workshops that deal with leadership development, professional development and some fun social workshops,” said Ogheneobarome Emeje, a senior biomedical engineering student and Mizzou NSBE president. “It also has a career fair to help students gain an internship, co-op or full-time position. Overall, this conference was an eventful time because of all the opportunities it had to offer.”
While Mizzou NSBE requires members who attend the conference to participate in at least one competition, students were eager to take full advantage of the opportunities.
“To see the members fully participate and put effort into these competitions was amazing,” Emeje said. “It showed that even though they were required to, they still had fun.”
Emeje’s favorite part about the conference was presenting her undergraduate research, “Laser-scribed MoO2 on Porous Elastomer and Their Application on Wearable Sweat Sensors.”
“I enjoyed presenting my research because it allowed to me communicate and share what I know with people who find it interesting,” she said.
Eleven Mizzou NSBE members were recognized for their performance in these competitions and actions as NSBE members, including Emeje, who was awarded the best technical research presentation.
“I’m very happy to see my members earn awards,” said Emeje. “It’s nice seeing them get recognized, and it was a nice recognition for the Mizzou Chapter.”
Other award recipients were:
Awa-Bousso Gueye, Nonso Ogbuefi, Taja Hawkins and Trenton Foster placed third in the Academic Tech Bowl.
Elijah Beamon, Lawrence Ogbuli and Xavier Frazier placed third in the NSBE Debaters Competition.
Mariam Morafa placed third in the Elevator Pitch Competition.
Kyarra Gorham won Most Outstanding Collegiate Member.
Read more about Mizzou NSBE here.