Mizzou Engineers connect with employers, find careers and internships at spring career fair
February 23, 2024
Over 870 students spoke with 470 employer representatives from 173 companies at the Mizzou Engineering Spring 2024 Career Fair. Engineers in all stages in their professional journey, whether they were looking to explore career options or to land interviews for summer internships and post-graduation jobs, converged at Mizzou Recreation Complex.
“We’re happy so many students and companies were able to attend our spring fair,” said Anh Nguyen, career services coordinator. “Students were able to directly network with recruiters from across the state and country. Mizzou’s history of excellence and reputation for graduating engineering leaders give employers confidence that our students will succeed in industry.”
Students at the career fair shared why they attended and described their dream career in engineering. Continue reading to hear from ten of them.
“I would love to go into construction management over in Europe,” Jane Jensen, civil engineering.“I’m at the career fair to find my dream job, where I can use technology to solve any problem and give solutions to help the world,” Alec Chang, computer science.“My goal is to work with prosthetics. I want to improve the quality, the function and the cost for disabled members of our community and people who are amputees,” Matthew Crawford, biomedical engineering.“I’m a master’s student, and my work is interdisciplinary with chemical engineering, mechanical engineering and materials science. My ideal job is to work in a research and development lab, developing new materials for energy use, such as solar panels, to further improve efficiency and make energy more accessible,” Martin Spies, mechanical engineering.“My dream job would definitely be doing software engineering or working on ride systems for the Disney company,” Megan Murphy, information technology.“My dream occupation is in product design. I don’t know exactly what I like since I’m still looking to gain more experience in the field, but I’ve always enjoyed design and CAD work, and the creative process involved. And now that I’ve learned more about engineering, I can apply my creative process and the engineering process to make the world a better place,” Darron McCauley, mechanical engineering.“My domain area is high performance computing, and I’m excited to be at this career fair because there are a lot of opportunities to meet with people in industry,” Shalini Karipe, data science (master’s degree).“I think my dream job would be software development. In that field you’re always solving problems or creating new problems to solve. And that’s where I find myself at home; figuring things out, with a new challenge everyday. And no day looks the same,” Cedric Harris, information technology.“My dream job is to work in a pharmaceutical company, move into management and help make medicine more accessible to people,” Harsh Patel, chemical engineering.“I would like to use my degree to change the world and rework how we live today,” Scott Ahern, industrial engineering.Check out our Facebook album for more photos from the Career Fair. Want to earn your engineering degree at a university that supports students’ careers? Choose Mizzou Engineering!