Sanjeev Khanna
Director of Midwest Industrial Assessment Center, Professor
E3412 Lafferre Hall
Phone: 573-884-9109
Email: khannas@missouri.edu
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Sanjeev Khanna is a professor and director of Midwest Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Missouri. After four years of experience as a hydro turbine design engineer for Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., India, Khanna has been in academia for over 25 years. He is a winner of the National Science Foundation’s CAREER award and has received technical and pedagogical research funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Auto Steel Partnership, Ford Motor Co., International Research Exchanges Board (IREX), U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Department of Energy, totaling over $9 million. Khanna has received a U.S. patent for developing transparent glass fiber reinforced polymer composites that can protect windows against catastrophic damage under extreme loading and has done pioneering research on residual stresses in spot welds that has greatly benefitted the automobile industry and is developing higher strength and lightweight reinforced aluminum foam for energy absorption under impact. His work has resulted in over 95 journal and conference publications and has co-authored two textbooks on mechanics of materials. Khanna is an Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) Program Evaluator for mechanical engineering and applied mechanics programs. Khanna’s leadership of the DOE-IAC program, which provides industrial energy assessments to Midwest manufacturers while training students, will save Midwest industries served in the last five years over $29 million in energy costs while reducing energy use by 3.5 Terra BTU, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 0.22 million metric tons (or 440 million pounds) and reducing electric demand by 15 MW every year.
PhD from the University of Rhode Island
MS from the Indian Institute of Technology
BS from the Indian Institute of Technology
Technical Focus
Energy efficiency in manufacturing
Experimental mechanics and dynamic mechanical behavior of materials
Introducing problem-based learning (PBL) and innovation in engineering curriculum