Baolin Deng
Curators' Distinguished Professor, William Andrew Davidson Professor
C2644 Lafferre Hall
Phone: 573-882-0075
Email: dengb@missouri.edu
ChBME - Courtesy | Civil and Environmental Engineering
Baolin Deng is a Curator’s Distinguished Professor and William Andrew Davidson Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Co-director of the Missouri Water Center. He has been PI/co-PI for over three dozen research projects including the CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation and published over 130 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. Deng is Associate Editor/Asian regional editor for the AEESP journal – Environmental Engineering Science. Previously he served on the EPA Science Advisory Board Drinking Water Committee and chaired the MU Department of Chemical Engineering from 2009-2015. Deng also conducted research in the US Air Force Research Laboratory as a National Research Council (NRC) Research Associate and at the New Mexico Tech as a faculty member. During the 2006/2007 academic year he was a visiting scholar at Stanford University’s Environmental Engineering program and Research Scientist at Army Engineer Research & Development Center, on a Development Leave to develop expertise on Environmental Sustainability. During his sabbatical/research leave from 2017-2018, he taught and conducted research as Chair Professor at the Southern University of Science & Technology, China.
PhD from Johns Hopkins University
MS from China University of Geosciences
BE from China University of Geosciences
Technical Focus
Chemical and biological transformation of contaminants
Environmental applications and impact of nanotechnology
Membrane process for water treatment and water reuse