Chi-Ren Shyu
Director of MU Institute for Data Science and Informatics, Paul K. and Dianne Shumaker Professor
241 Naka Hall
Phone: 573-882-3884
Email: shyuc@missouri.edu
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Chi-Ren Shyu (he/him/his) is a Paul K. and Dianne Shumaker Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and serves as the Director of the MU Institute for Data Science and Informatics (MUIDSI). The institute comprises 68 interdisciplinary core faculty from 24 departments and schools, supporting over 140 graduate students in the MS degree program in Data Science & Analytics and the PhD degree program in Informatics, with emphasis areas in bioinformatics, health informatics, and geospatial informatics. Dr. Shyu has organized and chaired technical program committees for several IEEE conferences, including IEEE HealthCom, IEEE BigMM, IEEE BIBM, and IEEE BIBE. He represents MU on the Southeast Conference (SEC) Artificial Intelligence Consortium and currently serves as the President of the MU Graduate Faculty Senate (Fall 2024-Summer 2025). He is the PI of Mizzou’s NSF CyberCorps SFS project ($3.6M) including a newly funded supplement in microelectronics training program. Since joining MU in 2000, Dr. Shyu has received numerous awards, including the National Science Foundation CAREER Award, Engineering Faculty Research Award, Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, MU Faculty Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurial Award, MU Faculty and Alumni Awards, the UM System President’s Leadership Award, and multiple teaching awards within the CS undergraduate and Data Science & Informatics graduate programs. His interdisciplinary research focuses on biomedical informatics, explainable AI, quantum computing, cybersecurity, and spatial Big Data analytics. Dr. Shyu is a member of Eta Kappa Nu, an elected Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics (FACMI), and a fellow the American Medical Informatics Association (FAMIA).
PhD from Purdue University
MS from Purdue University
BS from Feng Chia University
Technical Focus
Biomedical informatics
Geospatial informatics
Quantum computing
Artificial intelligence