Noah D. Manring
E3413 Lafferre Hall
Phone: 573-882-0693
Email: manringn@missouri.edu
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Noah D. Manring is a professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Missouri.
Manring previously served as dean and Ketcham Professor of the College of Engineering, as well as chair of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and served as chair of the former Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. On two separate occasions, he served as the college’s associate dean of research. He was as associate dean for administration at Princeton University, and as a program manager at Caterpillar’s Technical Center in Mossville, Illinois. He holds 11 U.S. patents for innovations in the field of fluid power.
As a professor, he has received research funding from Caterpillar Inc., Festo Corp. and the National Fluid Power Association, as well as from the Department of Education, the National Science Foundation and various private donors. He has additionally done consulting work for several industrial firms, including Moog Inc., FMC Wyoming Corp., Dennison Hydraulics and Parker Hannifin. Manring has published two books, Hydraulic Control Systems, first and second editions, and Fluid Power Pumps and Motors: Analysis, Design and Control. He currently is working on his third book, Opportunity, Genius, and Entrepreneurship: A History of Modern Engineering.
Before joining the MU faculty, Manring worked for eight years in the off-highway mobile equipment industry.
PhD from Iowa State University
MS from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
MA from Reformed Theological Seminary
BS and BA from Michigan State University
Technical Focus