Patrick Pinhero
Professor, Chemical Engineering
W2009 Lafferre Hall
Phone: 573-882-7319
Email: pinherop@missouri.edu
Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
Patrick Pinhero is a professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering and the Nuclear Engineering Program at the University of Missouri. His research is focused on using material interfaces to understand, control and regulate chemical processes. Three teams within his research group are using interfacial molecular assembly to nanofabricate novel nanoantenna arrays for solar collection, special ballistic self-curing lubricants and molecularly-assembled nanoalloys. The group’s nuclear fuel cycles R&D teams are examining the use of pyro-electrometallurgical techniques to selectively segregate individual elements from spent nuclear fuels, produce new recycled fuels and test these new fuels for use in light, water and breeder reactor systems. The group’s degradation and corrosion teams characterize the stability of structural alloys using autoclaves, electrochemistry and surface science.
PhD from the University of Notre Dame
BS from Creighton University
Technical Focus
Environmental degradation and corrosion
Interfacial molecular assembly and nanofabrication
Nuclear fuel cycle process engineering