Undergraduate Research at Mizzou

What is undergraduate research at Mizzou?

At Mizzou Engineering, our students work alongside faculty to challenge reality, explore new ideas and search for solutions to real-world problems. These hands-on experiences allow you apply what you learn in the classroom to real-world scenarios. Here, you can start getting involved in research as early as your freshman year.

Why participate in undergraduate research?

Research allows you to turn foundational understanding into practical skills such as managing projects, analyzing data and designing experiments. It allows you to delve deeper into your interests while broadening your horizons. It also helps you practice time management, communication, teamwork and networking, as research often includes opportunities to present your findings at events such as Show Me Research Week at Mizzou.

At Mizzou Engineering, you can apply for an Undergraduate Research Fellowship, which comes with a stipend of $1,500 per semester of research, or for hourly compensation. In some cases, research may count toward course credit.

Undergraduate research gives you experience that will set you apart when you’re applying for jobs or graduate school.

How to begin?

At Mizzou Engineering

If you know you’re interested in a particular topic, we encourage you to reach out to a faculty member working in that area to discuss options. You can also complete your department’s Undergraduate Research Interest Survey.


The University of Missouri Office of Undergraduate Research offers Undergraduate Research Workshops on topics such as getting started, communicating with a research mentor and developing your competency. Students who attend five or more in one semester will be recognized with a Mizzou S.T.A.R. Award.

Contact the Office of Undergraduate Research to discuss the resources and opportunities available to help you grow as a researcher.