March 03, 2023
Mechanical Engineering student Brooke Becker already has an internship for the summer, but she was eager to take an active role in the Spring 2023 Engineering Career Fair.
“I’m looking forward to talking to as many companies as I can,” Becker said prior to the event on March 2. “I also signed up to be a fair volunteer, and I’m happy to be able to help out and give back to other students, especially after attending every other fair during my college experience and benefitting from it.”
As a volunteer, Becker was one of many students and Mizzou Engineering staff members who helped the 213 employers and hundreds of students check in at MizzouRec and get ready for the fair. She and other students also volunteered at workshops and events in the weeks preceding the fair.

Abby Law, a freshman chemical engineering student, spent time promoting the fair and the other workshops as part of her on-campus job with Engineering Career Services.
“I’d been looking forward to seeing what the career fair is like because I’d never been to one before,” she said. “I am not currently looking for an internship, co-op or job, but it’s good to go to the career fair to see how it works, especially when you’re not looking for anything, because the stakes are low. This semester, the fair was pretty large, but it wasn’t as intense or intimidating as I expected. Attending and just walking around was a great experience.”
Becker’s day at the fair started early, when she helped employers navigate MizzouRec and direct them to their booths, in addition to setting up the student check-in.
“You could really tell that people were excited coming into the career fair,” she said. “There was a little bit of nervous energy, but that went away pretty quickly. I think everybody who came through was ready to do their best.”
Between her volunteer duties, Becker also had the opportunity to explore the fair and talk with recruiters.
“Talking with other recruiters can be nerve-wracking, and the first time I came I was so nervous, but honestly if you relax and take a breath it’s a lot easier,” she said. “Practice makes perfect. The career fair is a great way to learn how to talk to recruiters, and that’s ultimately how you get a job.”
Even though it was a busy day, Becker says the career fair is a great opportunity for students, which is why she goes every semester.
“It’s super important to go, I’d recommend going from freshman year on,” she said. “It’s a great way to get an opportunity, I’ve been able to get a few Next-Day Interviews. It’s also good practice, employers aren’t there to judge you, you’ll get more experience and become more comfortable talking to recruiters and in interviews. It will prepare you for doing the best you can in the future.”
Want to see more photos from the career fair? Keep scrolling to learn about more students’ experiences!

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