March 08, 2024

Mizzou Engineering last month hosted the 2024 Spring Summit for the Missouri Center for Advanced Power Systems (MOCAP), bringing 25 undergraduate and graduate students, as well as academic and industry partners, to campus.
MOCAP is a non-profit consortium that includes Missouri-based battery and power companies as well as universities. The mission is to research new battery technology and prepare a high-tech workforce for the future.
The annual summit allows students to present posters that are judged by industry representatives.
“We were thrilled to welcome faculty and students from Missouri S&T, Missouri State and Missouri Southern and representatives from seven companies around the state,” said Matthias Young, an assistant professor of chemical and biomedical engineering who is a director on the board of MOCAP. “The event is always a great opportunity for students to get experience presenting research while networking with professionals in the field.”
This year, three of the six poster winners were from Mizzou.
Benjamin Peter, a senior in electrical engineering, earned first place in the undergraduate category for his poster on power grid reliability. He’s working with Assistant Professor Mert Korkali on the project.
Anthony Khoury, a junior in electrical engineering, took second in the undergraduate category for his poster on diagnostic monitoring of lead acid batteries. He is part of Young’s research team.
Amit Datta, a Ph.D. student in chemistry, received third place in the graduate category for his poster on coatings for lithium-ion batteries. He also works in Young’s lab.

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