Xiaoqing He
Adjunct Assistant Professor
W125 Veterinary Medicine Building
Phone: 573-884-7996
Email: hexi@missouri.edu

Michael Poehlman
Adjunct Instructor
E2403A Lafferre Hall
Phone: Â (573) 882-0590
Email: mlp9r6@umsystem.edu

Reginald E Rogers Jr.
Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
W2024 Lafferre Hall
Phone: 573-882-4103
Email: rerogers@missouri.edu
CEE - Courtesy | ChBME - Director | Chemical and Biomedical Engineering | MAE - Adjunct

Tommy Sewell
Professor of Chemistry; Adjunct Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
202A Schlundt
Phone: 573-882-7725
Email: SewellT@missouri.edu

Yangchuan Xing
Cramer W. LaPierre Professor
W2033 Lafferre Hall
Phone: 573-884-1067
Email: xingy@missouri.edu

Zheng Yan
Associate Professor
2100E Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health Building
Phone: 573-884-0562
Email: yanzheng@missouri.edu