Jian Lin
Associate Professor, William R. Kimel Faculty Fellow
E2404B Lafferre Hall
Phone: 573-882-8427
Email: linjian@missouri.edu
ChBME - Courtesy | EECS - Courtesy | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

J. Erik Loehr
Glen A. Barton Professor, P.E.
E3502 Lafferre Hall
Phone: 573-882-6380
Email: eloehr@missouri.edu

Stephen Lombardo
C3212 Lafferre Hall
Phone: 573-884-1644
Email: lombardos@missouri.edu
ChBME - Courtesy | Chemical and Biomedical Engineering | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Bill Ma
Chair, Curators' Distinguished Professor, Glen A. Barton Professor
E2412A Lafferre Hall
Phone: 573-884-5944
Email: mah@missouri.edu

Matt Maschmann
Associate Professor
E3401 Lafferre Hall
Phone: 573-882-2310
Email: maschmannm@missouri.edu