Certificate in Industry 4.0
Prepare for an evolving manufacturing landscape with an undergraduate certificate in Industry 4.0. The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering will launch the certificate in Fall 2024.

Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering
With the PhD in Industrial Engineering, gain a solid understanding of the theoretical bases for the latest tools and techniques of systems analysis and design, an extensive experience in applying these analyses and design tools and techniques, and research experience in the development of new tools or applications of existing techniques to design or analyze problems.

Master of Science in Industrial Engineering
With the Master of Science in Industrial Engineering, gain a deeper understanding of industrial engineering while preparing for leadership positions in industry or a PhD program.

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
The Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering has a core engineering curriculum during the first two years. The objective of this curriculum is to give the student a rigorous foundation in mathematics, natural sciences, basic engineering sciences, applied probability and computer science, as well as a complementary and meaningful exposure to the humanities and social sciences.