Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering
With the PhD in Industrial Engineering, gain a solid understanding of the theoretical bases for the latest tools and techniques of systems analysis and design, an extensive experience in applying these analyses and design tools and techniques, and research experience in the development of new tools or applications of existing techniques to design or analyze problems.

Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
With the PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, prepare for advanced roles in industry or for a rewarding career in academia and research.

Ph.D. in Computer Science
With the PhD in Computer Science, prepare for advanced roles in industry or a rewarding career in academia and research.

Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
With the PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, prepare for advanced roles in industry or a rewarding career in academia and research.

Ph.D. in Biological Engineering
Develop highly specialized skills in a subdivision of bioengineering and prepare for a rewarding career in academia and research.

Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
Earn a PhD in Chemical Engineering and prepare for a career in academia and research, or for high-paying leadership roles in industry.

Ph.D. in Civil Engineering
Graduate programs offered in Engineering prepare students for leadership positions in academia, research and advanced practice engineering careers. Major program areas include structural mechanics, structural engineering and materials, geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, environmental engineering, hydrology and water resources engineering and transportation engineering.