MAE Research, Page 6

Portrait: Yi Shang

Engineering Professor’s Company One of Three Startups Recognized at Mizzou Event

 Mizzou Engineering faculty were recognized last month for taking their research ideas to market. Professor Yi Shang’s company, TigerAware, was among just three from across campus recognized for becoming startups and making first sales of products using MU technologies. The Office of Research and Economic Development hosted “Taking Your ideas to Market” on April 29. The celebration…

University of Missouri historic columns

Lessening Noise Pollution Through Metamaterials

Those working in open office spaces may someday have a little more privacy, thanks to a new wall partition in the works at Mizzou Engineering. Guoliang Huang, James C. Dowell Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), is researching the best acoustic metamaterials and structure component to create a new, thin, sound-proof multi-functional wall for open office layouts.

Professor Guoliang Huang

New Cloaking Material Could Protect Buildings, Soldiers

Stealth technology, the idea of reducing the ability of the enemy to detect an object, has driven advances in military research for decades. Today, aircraft, naval ships and submarines, missiles and satellites are often covered with radar-absorbent material, such as paint, to hide or cloak them from radar, sonar, infrared and other detection methods. A cloak is a coating material that makes an object indistinguishable from its surroundings or undetectable by external field measurements.