News from Mizzou Engineering - Page 4, Page 4

Obed Nday

Advancing in engineering: Nday earns degree in electrical engineering

Obed Nday, a soon-to-be electrical engineering graduate, has used his time at Mizzou to conduct research and work with other students as a peer mentor and a tutor. Read a Q&A with Nday about his Mizzou Engineering experience.

Kaelyn Crews

Turning passion into a career: Crews earns information technology degree

Kaelyn Crews, a soon-to-be information technology graduate, always knew she would go to Mizzou. Read a Q&A with Crews about her Mizzou Engineering experience.

Benton Vahle

Vahle wins industrial engineering undergraduate research competition 

Benton Vahle, a sophomore industrial engineering student, took first place in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering’s annual Undergraduate Research Competition. The award comes with a cash prize and funding to attend a research conference. 

Miles Kousoulas

Making a positive impact: Kousoulas earns industrial engineering degree

Miles Kousoulas, a soon-to-be industrial engineering graduate, came to Mizzou from a small town and is graduating intending to make a big impact. Read a Q&A with Miles about his Mizzou Engineering experience.


Mizzou establishes IBM Quantum Innovation Center

The University of Missouri has joined the IBM Quantum Network, and established the state’s first IBM Quantum Innovation Center to provide researchers and institutions with access to advanced quantum computing through IBM’s cloud-based platform.

Lucas Crow and Noah Fouts

Mizzou’s game changers

Two Mizzou Engineering students won first place in Entrepreneur Quest, the signature program of the Griggs Innovators Nexus in the Mizzou Student Center.

Mackenzie White

Constructing a community: White earns mechanical engineering degree

For Mackenzie White, a soon-to-be mechanical engineering graduate, family is very important. At Mizzou, she says she found herself a part of something bigger. Read a Q&A with her about her Mizzou Engineering experience.

Building collapse compared to model

Planning ahead of a collapse

Mizzou Engineer Sarah Orton is analyzing patterns in falling debris to halt building collapses and prevent fatalities.

Dr. Yazdani-ASME Award

Mizzou Engineer honored as ASME Rising Star

Hessam Yazdani, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Missouri, has been recognized by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) with a certificate acknowledging his distinguished achievements in engineering mechanics.

Oliver Giraldo-Londoño

Giraldo-Londoño awarded Haythornthwaite Research Initiation Grant

Oliver Giraldo-Londoño received one of five Haythornthwaite Research Initiation Grants from the (ASME) Applied Mechanics Division.