Power lines

One step ahead of cyber attackers

A new cybersecurity framework developed by Mizzou Engineering researchers can predict cyberattacks on smart grids with nearly 92% accuracy.


Mizzou Engineering’s Jim Keller invited to give talk at John von Neumann conference

Mizzou Engineering’s Jim Keller has been invited to give a distinguished talk at an international conference celebrating the contributions of John von Neumann, considered one of the greatest minds of the 20th century.


Engineering team devises new way to turn 360 image into 3D model

A Mizzou Engineering team has devised a new way to turn single panoramic images into 3D models. Researchers outlined the work in a paper that has been accepted to Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).


As president of IEEE CIS, Keller puts focus on outreach, education and diversity

Curators' Distinguished Professor Jim Keller is serving as president of the Computational Intelligence Society under the umbrella of IEEE.

Graphic showing drones over network area

Team uses machine learning to train multiple drones to collaborate within a network

The team used machine learning to train drones to work together within a network to survey an area, track objects and transmit information back to a ground station.

Khaza Anuarul Hoque

Approximate computing remains vulnerable to attacks; Mizzou Engineers to present findings at IEEE DATE conference

Companies relying on faster, less precise computing to gain energy efficiency still need to be cautious against cyberattacks, Mizzou Engineers have found.

Black and white image of eye.

Mizzou Engineering paper among IEEE top 10 featured articles

A Mizzou Engineer's paper was selected as a Featured Article in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Transactions on Image Processing.

Portrait: Jim Keller

Mizzou Engineers Take Transfer Learning Step Further in New Paper

Imagine having a self-driving car that is already trained to recognize road markings, street signs and other vehicles. Could you take what that car knows and tweak it so the vehicle could navigate the ocean, too?

Portrait: Omiya Hassan

Mizzou Engineer Receives IEEE IMS Graduate Fellowship

Omiya Hassan was one of three recipients from around the globe to receive a Graduate Fellowship Award from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Instrumentation & Measurement Society (IMS).

Portrait: Chenxi Zhao

Computer Science Student Takes First at IEEE Competition

Chenxi Zhao, a Mizzou Engineering graduate student, took first place in his category at an IEEE competition held virtually this past weekend. The IEEE St. Louis student presentations competition is under the umbrella of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the largest technical professional organization in the world.