Civil Engineer helps MoDOT study New Madrid evacuation routes
A Mizzou Engineer is helping state officials better understand evacuation routes were an earthquake to hit the New Madrid area.

Researchers study effectiveness of rumble strips in work zones
Mizzou Engineers are helping state transportation officials investigate the effectiveness of temporary rumble strips in work zones.

Alumnus Jim O’Neill sees how investments translate to scholarship during visit to campus
Jim O'Neill, a prominent alumnus and supporter of Mizzou Engineering, had the opportunity to see how his investments are translating into scholarship during a visit to campus on Sept. 17.

Meet Praveen Edara
Meet Civil and Environmental Engineering Chair Praveen Edara, who was among the first to study diverging diamond intersections.

Training the next generation transportation workforce
Mizzou Engineering will help Missouri Department of Transportation employees receive realistic work zone inspection training using VR.