Planning ahead of a collapse
Mizzou Engineer Sarah Orton is analyzing patterns in falling debris to halt building collapses and prevent fatalities.

Mizzou Engineering STEM Scholars Program shows promising results
A scholarship program that began for civil and environmental engineering students in 2021 has proven so successful, it’s being expanded to other engineering majors. And eventually, the coordinator, Professor Vellore Gopalaratnam, would like a see a similar support system for students studying other STEM programs across Mizzou.

Engineering team evaluates evacuation in event of earthquake near St. Louis
While minor earthquakes along the New Madrid Fault occur regularly without incident, there’s a small chance another large quake could rattle Missouri and surrounding states. That’s why Mizzou Engineering has teamed up with the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) to begin to understand how residents in St. Louis could best evacuate the area. Praveen Edara,…

Mizzou Engineering welcomes STEM Scholars at meet and greet event
Mizzou Engineering has welcomed 12 aspiring civil engineers whose passion for the field helped earn them Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). At a Meet and Greet event Thursday, Aug. 25, the incoming class of STEM Scholars had the opportunity to hear from…

Civil Engineering research looks at concrete under sustained loads
For the most part, buildings held up with reinforced concrete columns have the capacity to withstand the test of time. In a few cases, however, construction errors, material deterioration and misuse can lead to overloading, and at some point, that overloading can cause buildings to collapse. Sarah Orton, an associate professor of civil engineering, has…

Civil engineer develops lesson plans around bridges as part of I-70 project
How do you construct a road over a river? Why do some bridges have steel arches over the roadway while others don’t? How do bridges work, anyway? Sarah…

College recognizes outstanding faculty, staff, students
Mizzou Engineering recognized faculty, staff and students for outstanding performance and dedication to the College.

S-STEM Scholarship provides holistic support to new students
A new scholarship program within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering provides students with more than tuition money.

Orton focuses on STEM outreach efforts to inspire next generation
Sarah Orton, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, is helping promote STEM education across Missouri.

Researcher studying near-collapse behavior of reinforced concrete buildings
While it’s too early to determine what caused a condo to collapse in Florida, a Mizzou Engineer is looking into some possible causes of collapse of buildings under constant loads.