Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Page 5


Bornali Kundu

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Phone: 573.882-4909

Email: bornali.kundu@health.missouri.edu

EECS - Courtesy

Justin Legarsky

Justin Legarsky

Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies

313 Naka Hall

Phone: 573-882-7558

Email: legarskyj@missouri.edu

EECS - Director | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Jian Lin

Jian Lin

Associate Professor, William R. Kimel Faculty Fellow

E2404B Lafferre Hall

Phone: 573-882-8427

Email: linjian@missouri.edu

ChBME - Affiliated | EECS - Courtesy | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Christopher Maher

Chris Maher

Business Support Specialist II

201 Naka Hall

Email: cmaher@missouri.edu

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Matt Maschmann

Matt Maschmann

Associate Professor

E3401 Lafferre Hall

Phone: 573-882-2310

Email: maschmannm@missouri.edu

EECS - Courtesy | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Abu Mosa

Abu Mosa

Adjunct Assistant Professor

EECS - Courtesy

Satish S. Nair

Satish S. Nair

Professor, Robert H. Buescher Faculty Fellow

229 Naka Hall

Phone: 573-882-2964

Email: nairs@missouri.edu

ChBME - Affiliated | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Robert O'Connell portrait

Robert O’Connell

P.E., Professor Emeritus

309 Naka Hall

Phone: 573-882-8373

Email: oconnellr@missouri.edu

EECS - Emeritus