Glover shares experience, advice with engineering students
Walk in other people’s shoes and understand their perspectives. Have a good attitude when you give and receive feedback. And follow the golden rule — treat others the way you want to be treated. Those were some key pieces of advice Matt Glover, ECE ’01, shared with Mizzou Engineering students last week.

CEO of Burns & McDonnell shares advice with engineering students
Take advantage of opportunities, ask a lot of questions, and have a genuine interest in what you’re doing, Ray Kowalik, CE ’85, MS CE ’99, said.

Pelch encourages engineering students to find leadership opportunities
Want to become a leader? Find opportunities to lead – they are out there, Steve Pelch, BS ME ’87, told students in an engineering leadership course earlier this week.

VP at Procter & Gamble shares advice with students in leadership course
Knuth, Vice President of Research & Development at Proctor & Gamble, encourages students wanting leadership skills to take Engineering 2001.

Smithey shares lessons in leadership at Mizzou Engineering
Be the leader other people want to follow. Have a vision while being approachable. And remember that leadership and management aren’t always the same things. Those were some key take-aways Sheri Smithey, PhD, AgE ’93, shared with Mizzou Engineers earlier this week.