150 Years of Mizzou Engineering: E-Week
From the blarney stone to St. Patrick's arrival by airship to lighting the Jesse Dome green, Engineers' Week at Mizzou has a long history beginning in 1903.

Co-chairs bring experience and enthusiasm for 2022 Engineers’ Week
Co-chairs Chloe Jones and Paul Orton encourage all Mizzou Engineers to celebrate Engineers’ Week at Mizzou, which is what many Engineers consider to be the best week of the year. Erin go bragh!

Engineers’ Week 2021 Co-chairs Have Safety in Mind
As we near St. Patrick’s Day, every Mizzou Engineer knows the best week of the year is approaching quickly – Engineers’ Week! This annual celebration is a time-honored observance for all Mizzou Engineers to recognize St. Patrick, the patron saint of engineers.