Industrial engineering students optimize healthcare systems for capstone project
Industrial engineering students this past semester developed a new model to improve patient flow at MU Health Care. The project was part of a capstone class, which allows seniors to wrap up their industrial engineering degrees by solving real-world problems.

Robotics Challenge, summer camps inspire younger students to study STEM
More than 150 elementary students from across Missouri built robots out of LEGOs and gained a better understanding of engineering during the Mizzou Robotics Design Challenge held in April.

Girls and families explore STEM, Mizzou Engineering at Daughter Day
Girls from the community were introduced to the world of engineering this past weekend and learned that when imagination meets innovation, anything is possible.

Engineers’ Week 2023 theme celebrates 120th anniversary with eye on the future
Engineers’ Week went “Pat to the Future” this year, a nod to both the 120th anniversary and a new era of innovation at Mizzou Engineering.

Missouri Water Center works to monitor water quality, quantities; train students
When it comes to water, there are a lot of stakeholders. Not only do we all need access to clean water—including fish and wildlife—but local economies rely on lakes and rivers for agriculture and tourism. When there’s not enough, droughts can destroy a year’s worth of crops. Too much can cause flooding that devastates communities. With those factors in mind, Mizzou established the Missouri Water Center a year ago, merging two former centers.

Mizzou Engineers recognized at Transportation Research Board meeting
Several faculty from Mizzou’s civil and environment engineering department were recognized and presented at the Transportation Research Board (TRB)’s 102nd Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. last week.

Fidalgo joins panel on drinking water quality in Missouri
A Mizzou Engineering faculty member lent her expertise to a discussion on public drinking water quality in Missouri this past week.

Ma honored with Progress in Entrepreneurship Award; Calyam nominated in education category
Curators Professor Hongbin “Bill” Ma, chair of mechanical and aerospace engineering, was honored with the 2022 Progress in Entrepreneurship Award from the Columbia Missourian this week.

Girl Scout Day at Mizzou Engineering inspires creativity in STEM
Give a girl a building block, she'll play for a day. Teach her how to design a building out of toothpicks and marshmallows, and she'll think about how she can build the future. Mizzou’s Society of Women Engineers (SWE) hosted Girl Scout Day, an event for local girl scouts to learn about engineering.

Mizzou Engineering hosts biannual Missouri Bridge Conference
Mizzou Engineering recently hosted the biannual Missouri Bridge Conference, bringing representatives from academia, government agencies and industry together to discuss current challenges and priority projects.