Student Success, Page 14


Engineering student takes first at IISE Regional Conference Paper Competition

A Mizzou Engineering student took first place in the Paper Competition at the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers South Central Regional Conference, held Feb. 29-March 2 at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. Ray Wood, a master’s student in industrial engineering, presented a use-inspired workforce optimizing and process to solve problems manufacturers face when using sustainable materials.


Mizzou Engineering hosts MOCAP; students earn awards for research posters

Mizzou Engineering last month hosted the 2024 Spring Summit for the Missouri Center for Advanced Power Systems (MOCAP),

Wayne Carter

Building leaders: Mizzou student recognized as a New Face of Civil Engineering

Wayne Carter is a leader among Mizzou Engineering students. A civil engineering major with a passion for structural engineering, Carter is president of Mizzou’s chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), marshal for the Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society, a teaching assistant (TA) for first-year students in Foundations of Engineering and a…

Mizzou Engineering Spring 2024 Career Fair

Mizzou Engineers connect with employers, find careers and internships at spring career fair

Over 870 students spoke with 470 employer representatives at the Mizzou Engineering Spring 2024 Career Fair. Engineers in all stages in their professional journey, whether they were looking to explore career options or to land interviews for summer internships and post-graduation jobs, converged at Mizzou Recreation Complex. Students at the career fair shared why they attended and described their dream career in engineering. Hear from ten of them.

high school student presenting research

Mizzou hosts Missouri Junior Science and Humanities Symposium

Mizzou Engineering hosted the Missouri Regional Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS), for high school students across the state of Missouri to present their research projects to faculty and student judges.


Siemens Healthineers interns make strides to improve health in mid-Missouri

Thanks to the University of Missouri’s Value Partnership with Siemens Healthineers, MU student Erica Goodin got the opportunity to observe the process of powering down an MRI machine at a local hospital. During her internship, Goodin also worked with electrical components and circuit diagrams to solve issues with the 7-Tesla MRI scanner that belongs to NextGen Precision Health. These were special experiences for the biomedical engineering major who plans to work with similar machines in her future career.

Poster with reasons students, faculty and staff love Mizzou Engineering

Photo album: why we love Mizzou Engineering 2024

Great people, student organizations, Engineers' Week, research...there's a lot to love about Mizzou Engineering. This Valentine's Day, students, faculty and staff came together to share all the reasons they love engineering at Mizzou.

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Negar Javid

If you are considering graduate school, reach out to professors to find shared research interests. I've found success at Mizzou largely through the guidance of my professors and fellow graduate students, so I encourage any potential student to form connections within the program!


Nima Golghamat Raad

If you are considering graduate school, reach out to professors to find shared research interests. I've found success at Mizzou largely through the guidance of my professors and fellow graduate students, so I encourage any potential student to form connections within the program!

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Arghadeep Mitra

If you are considering graduate school, reach out to professors to find shared research interests. I've found success at Mizzou largely through the guidance of my professors and fellow graduate students, so I encourage any potential student to form connections within the program!