Team develops technique to segment carbon nanotube forests in images
Mizzou Engineering researchers are another step closer to controlling the properties of carbon nanotubes growing in mass quantities.

Research at Mizzou could help reduce cost to build particle accelerators
If Mizzou Engineers are successful, that price tag of particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider could drop drastically.

Team uses machine learning to predict the properties of simulated carbon nanotube arrays
A Mizzou Engineering team has spent the past couple of years developing a simulation model to demonstrate how carbon nanotubes can be produced without losing their optimal properties.

Mizzou Team to Use AI to Grow Carbon Nanotubes in Mass Quantities
A team of Mizzou Engineers is turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to help grow and control large quantities of carbon nanotubes—tiny, cylinder-shaped molecules made of rolled sheets of carbon. Using AI is a novel approach to mass producing them, a problem that has plagued scientists for decades. Now, the National Science Foundation is backing the idea with an award funding the group’s research for three years.