Industrial Engineering students present at national conference
Industrial Engineering students and faculty traveled to New Orleans last month to present research projects at the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) annual conference.

Researchers devise new technique to monitor reactor coolant pumps
Nuclear power plants that provide needed electricity rely on reactor coolant pumps for safe, continuous and reliable operations. But if the pump malfunctions, it can take plants offline, requiring costly repairs and interrupting services, or, worse, cause environmental and safety problems. Now, a Mizzou industrial and systems engineering team has devised a new technique to…

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering name change reflects student outcomes, industry
Students graduating with degrees in industrial engineering at Mizzou go on to work in a variety of areas including healthcare, logistics, manufacturing and service.

Team develops new method to determine lifespan of lithium-ion batteries
A Mizzou Engineering team has devised a new way to determine how many times you can recharge a lithium-ion battery before it needs to be replaced. Lithium-ion batteries are common in electronics such as laptops, and they’re a key component to getting electric vehicles on the roads. They can be recharged hundreds of times, but…

Study explores ways to help emergency rooms better manage demand
A Mizzou Engineering team is proposing a model that could help emergency departments better manage unexpected demand.