Kathleen Trauth


Through internship at NASA, Mizzou Engineer finds satellite imagery key to monitoring environmental changes

The ice that used to cover roughly 85% of Alaska is thawing, causing ground to collapse and putting communities at risk. Jaweed Nazary, a Ph.D. student in civil and environmental engineering, has found that satellite imagery is key to pinpointing exactly which locations are most susceptible to these changing conditions.


Graduate student to use environmental engineering, data analysis skills at NASA

He grew up in a water-strapped village in Afghanistan, worked as a water engineer who helped similar communities and wants to continue to conduct research around environmental problems while teaching future generations. In the meantime, Jaweed Nazary will spend his summer working at NASA.


Fulbright enables Mizzou Engineer to analyze flood control in Netherlands

A Mizzou Engineer has received a prestigious Fulbright research fellowship. After completing her master’s in civil engineering this summer, Amber Spriggs will spend the upcoming academic year in the Netherlands conducting analysis on the country’s innovative flood management initiative.


Mizzou Engineers recognized at Transportation Research Board meeting

Several faculty from Mizzou’s civil and environment engineering department were recognized and presented at the Transportation Research Board (TRB)’s 102nd Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. last week.


Mizzou Engineer provides expertise for paper in Ecology Law Quarterly

A Mizzou Engineer provided expertise on water management in a paper published in this month’s Ecology Law Quarterly.