Real-world experiences in engineering
Mizzou Engineering student organizations traveled across the country to attend national conferences and receive awards this fall. Learn more about some of the groups that took advantage of these professional development opportunities.

Mizzou Engineering student organizations start the year with New Student BBQ
Mizzou Engineers gathered at Shamrock Plaza to celebrate the beginning of a new year with the New Student BBQ, hosted by Mizzou Engineering Student Council (MESC).

Mizzou Engineering organizations take home three Student Involvement Awards
Students at Mizzou Engineering are making sure they not only have the best college experiences for themselves but are also making the college community stronger for future students as well. This year, three engineering student organizations received University of Missouri Student Involvement Awards for their efforts to improve the engineering student experience.

Engineers’ Week at Mizzou named best in the U.S. at national conference
It’s official — Mizzou Engineers’ Week was named Best Engineers’ Week at the 2024 National Association of Engineering Student Council (NAESC) Engineering Leadership Summit in New Mexico.

Mizzou Engineering Student Council earns honors for outreach initiatives
Mizzou Engineering Student Council (MESC) was recognized at the National Association of Engineering Student Council West Conference for exceptional outreach efforts.

Mizzou Engineering Student Council creates opportunities for engineering students to grow leadership skills
At Mizzou Engineering, students engage in leadership practice and community building to gain real-world experience and become well-rounded professionals. Mizzou Engineering Student Council (MESC) works year-round to create these opportunities for engineers and to make students’ voices heard.

New Student BBQ brings students together for start of the school year
Mizzou Engineering student organizations welcomed incoming and returning Tigers at the annual New Student BBQ, celebrating the start of a new semester.

Getting Involved: Mizzou Engineering Student Council Hosts BBQ for New Students and Student Organizations
This year’s New Student BBQ at Peace Park attracted a large crowd, thanks to the work of the Mizzou Engineering Student Council (MESC).

Mizzou experiences at the core of preparing Jackson for job at Apple
When she first came to Mizzou, Riley Jackson had never met an engineer. After she graduates on Friday, she’s headed to Apple where she’ll lead a team of engineers as a project manager in new product introduction. What a difference four years make.

Engineers explore student organizations at New Student BBQ
This annual event gives students the opportunity to engage with Engineering student groups.