Engineering a multi-modal probe to detect neural, chemical, optical signals
A Mizzou Engineer and collaborators are developing a new type of neural probe that can improve basic understanding of brain circuits and ultimately lead to better treatments for neurological diseases. The novelty of the probe is in its multi-model sensing, said Yi Wang, an assistant professor of industrial and systems engineering. He is working on the project with researchers from North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. The team recently received a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation.

Mizzou Engineering camps allow students to explore STEM opportunities
Mizzou Engineering hosted six summer camps designed to showcase opportunities in STEM.

Researcher developing new ways to fabricate microprobes, nano electrodes
A Mizzou Engineering faculty member is developing new ways to fabricate microprobes and nano electrodes that will help researchers across campus.

Interdisciplinary team uses light as an innovative treatment to prevent tongue weakness in ALS
An interdisciplinary research team at Mizzou is investigating a novel treatment to prevent tongue muscle degeneration and preserve swallowing function in patients suffering from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).

Undergraduates present brain research at Neuroscience 2021
Mizzou Engineering students joined neuroscientists from around the world last month to exchange ideas and new discoveries about the human brain.