College, Page 8

Radio operators class in World War II

150 Years of Mizzou Engineering: 1936-1945

Our series on the history of the College picks up in the mid-1930s.

150 Feature

150 Years of Mizzou Engineering: 1917-1935

Mizzou Engineering — like the rest of the country — was feeling the impact of world war in 1917

Daughter Day

Daughter Day inspires young women to learn more about engineering

Women belong in engineering. That was one take-away from Mizzou Engineering Daughter Day, an event that invites Missouri middle and high school students to spend the day as a Mizzou Engineer.


150 Years of Mizzou Engineering: 1906 – 1916

As the nation was progressing at the turn of the century — with both rural Americans and millions of immigrants flocking to sprawling urban areas seeking opportunities — so, too, was the College of Engineering finding its identity in the early 1900s.


High marks

Three graduate degree programs at the University of Missouri continue to be recognized among the best in the nation while also rising in the rankings in the 2023 Best Graduate Schools by U.S. News & World Report.

Dean's Advisory Council

Dean’s Advisory Council hears plans to boost College research activities

The Dean's Advisory Council learned more about Mizzou Engineering's focus on increasing research activity over the coming decade.

Spring 2022 Career Fair overhead picture

Engineering students find opportunities at Career Fair

Over 160 organizations connected with students exploring jobs, internships, co-ops and more from regional, national and international companies.

Dome Lighting - Feature

150 Years of Mizzou Engineering: E-Week

From the blarney stone to St. Patrick's arrival by airship to lighting the Jesse Dome green, Engineers' Week at Mizzou has a long history beginning in 1903.

The Dynamo in Naka Hall

150 Years of Mizzou Engineering: 1872 – 1902

From electric ideas to a tragic fire, Mizzou Engineering surged ahead into the 20th Century.

Old Lafferre Hall

150 Years of Mizzou Engineering: 1849-1871

From the first engineering course west of the Mississippi to a wartime reshuffling, Mizzou Engineering got its start more than 150 years ago.