More than 60 engineering students to present at Undergraduate Research Week
More than 60 Mizzou Engineering students are presenting their research as part of MU Undergraduate Research Week.

Engineering team receives $3M to develop improved blast-resistant curtain walls
A Mizzou Engineering team is investigating ways to keep large glass exteriors from shattering.

Mizzou Engineer earns merit award at MU Visual Art & Design Showcase
Emily Werner, a senior in mechanical engineering, proved just how artistic the field can be when she recently won an Award of Merit in Applied Design at MU’s Visual Art and Design Showcase.

Engineering undergraduates present research at Missouri Capitol
Missouri lawmakers this week heard about how Mizzou Engineering researchers are turning byproducts into nutritious foods, assessing water quality in the state and improving the accuracy of large-scale smart city synthetic environments

Researcher studying ways to maximize environmental benefits of green algae
Diatoms are abundant in nature and their structures could be used for environmentally friendly, high-value products, technologies to clean our air and new methods to purify our water.

Undergraduate presents research around health of streams impacted by mining
Castonguay presented early findings from that work at a Joint Annual Meeting between the Missouri Section American Water Works Association (AWWA) and Missouri Water Environment Association (MWEA).

New web resource provides health, socioeconomic, other geospatial data
A Mizzou Engineering team has developed a web resource that allows users to sort and view health, socioeconomic, accessibility and population data by county.

Civil engineering team takes best poster award at TRB annual meeting
A Mizzou civil engineering team took a best paper award at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting in January.

Meet Baolin Deng
Meet Professor Baolin Deng, who has spent his career working on innovative ways to remove harmful toxins from our drinking water.

Teaching Spot new tricks
Students in the Autonomous Systems Lab at Mizzou Engineering are teaching Spot the robot some new tricks.