Civil Engineer helps MoDOT study New Madrid evacuation routes
A Mizzou Engineer is helping state officials better understand evacuation routes were an earthquake to hit the New Madrid area.

Mizzou Engineering hosts 50th AIPR Workshop
Mizzou Engineering hosted the 50th Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR) Workshop.

Meet Kevin Gillis
Meet Kevin Gillis, chair and professor in theĀ Department of Biomedical, Biological and Chemical Engineering, who's 25-year career at Mizzou has focused on service to others.

NextGen Precision Health Discovery Series to feature engineering
Giovanna Guidoboni, Associate Dean for Research at Mizzou Engineering, will discuss ways engineers are playing a key role in medical advancements during a NextGen Precision Health Discovery Series talk.

Mizzou Engineer speaks at Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health building Grand Opening
Mizzou Engineering senior Rebecca Shyu spoke at the Grand Opening of the Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health building on Tuesday, Oct. 19.

New protein prediction tool could accelerate biological discoveries
A Mizzou Engineering team has released new software that will allow computers to automatically predict protein interactions.

$2.6 million grant to help establish online clinical engineering program
Mizzou Engineers have received funding to develop and implement one of the first online certificate programs in the U.S. for clinical engineering.

Civil engineers use artificial intelligence to classify pavement cracks
Traffic engineers could have a smarter way of identifying asphalt problems and prioritizing pavement projects, thanks to research from Mizzou Engineering.

Research team develops pandemic-resilient supply chain model
A Mizzou Engineering team has outlined a proposal to boost supply chain resiliency during during a global pandemic.

Researchers study effectiveness of rumble strips in work zones
Mizzou Engineers are helping state transportation officials investigate the effectiveness of temporary rumble strips in work zones.