Ph.D. student awarded U.S. Department of Energy research fellowship
A Mizzou Engineer has been selected to participate in a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) research fellowship program designed to support graduate students working on energy-related research.

Mizzou team uses EMG signals to assess movement in osteoarthritis patients
An interdisciplinary research team at Mizzou has demonstrated a way to use non-invasive electromyography, or EMG, signals to assess lower body movements in osteoarthritis patients.

Graduate student to use environmental engineering, data analysis skills at NASA
He grew up in a water-strapped village in Afghanistan, worked as a water engineer who helped similar communities and wants to continue to conduct research around environmental problems while teaching future generations. In the meantime, Jaweed Nazary will spend his summer working at NASA.

Researchers devise new technique to monitor reactor coolant pumps
Nuclear power plants that provide needed electricity rely on reactor coolant pumps for safe, continuous and reliable operations. But if the pump malfunctions, it can take plants offline, requiring costly repairs and interrupting services, or, worse, cause environmental and safety problems. Now, a Mizzou industrial and systems engineering team has devised a new technique to…

Runge receives prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Brooke Runge, who is completing her master’s degree in electrical engineering in May, has been selected to receive a 2023 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship. The highly selective Fellowship recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students and those entering into a graduate program.

Industrial Engineering students take honors at CELDi Research Symposium
Industrial and systems engineering (ISE) students took top honors for work around intelligent decision-making systems and optimizing manufacturing processes at the annual Center for Excellence in Logistics and Distribution (CELDi) Research Symposium.

Scully’s path to research started with robotics; provides blueprint for others
Christopher Scully is helping support an effort to build a pipeline connecting students to research through clubs and organizations, starting with robotics.

Team develops technique using humidity to make 3D printing faster, more efficient
A Mizzou Engineering team has devised a new technique that uses humidity to make 3D printing faster and more efficient when fabricating small, complex structures.

Fulbright enables Mizzou Engineer to analyze flood control in Netherlands
A Mizzou Engineer has received a prestigious Fulbright research fellowship. After completing her master’s in civil engineering this summer, Amber Spriggs will spend the upcoming academic year in the Netherlands conducting analysis on the country’s innovative flood management initiative.

Civil Engineering students earn honors at annual Missouri water meeting
Two civil and environmental engineering students at Mizzou received awards for posters presented at the joint annual meeting of the 2023 Missouri Section of the American Water Works Association (MO-AWWA) and the Missouri Water Environment Association.