Civil Engineering students earn honors at annual Missouri water meeting
Two civil and environmental engineering students at Mizzou received awards for posters presented at the joint annual meeting of the 2023 Missouri Section of the American Water Works Association (MO-AWWA) and the Missouri Water Environment Association.

Salehi brings NSF CAREER Award, plastic pollutant research to Mizzou Engineering
Salehi is a new faculty member in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Hired as part of the MizzouForward initiative, Salehi brings to Mizzou a National Science Foundation Early CAREER Award for work around plastic pollutant fate and heavy metal transport.

Mizzou Engineering welcomes 14 new faculty members
Mizzou Engineering welcomed 14 new faculty members, including 11 tenure-track faculty who bring expertise in areas such as pollution remediation, manufacturing and computational material science. “We’re excited to bring in this group of educators and researchers who will make tremendous contributions to the College,” Dean Noah Manring said. “Students will, no doubt, benefit greatly from…