photo album, Page 2

Nolan Park (right) presenting his research to Reginald Rogers

Photo Album: Mizzou Engineers at the Summer Research Forum

Each year, students from Mizzou and other colleges and universities spend the summer working on undergraduate research at Mizzou Engineering. Exploring research questions ranging from materials science to neuroscience, they examine how the world functions and how engineers can make it better.

students presenting at Show me research week - IT, CS

Students show off projects at Show Me Research Week

Clean water, healthcare and education - all topics that impact nearly every person, and all topics that were researched and presented by Mizzou Engineers at Show Me Research Week.


Engineers’ Week 2023 theme celebrates 120th anniversary with eye on the future

Engineers’ Week went “Pat to the Future” this year, a nod to both the 120th anniversary and a new era of innovation at Mizzou Engineering.

Mizzou Engineering Student Council hosts BBQ for new students

Getting Involved: Mizzou Engineering Student Council Hosts BBQ for New Students and Student Organizations

This year’s New Student BBQ at Peace Park attracted a large crowd, thanks to the work of the Mizzou Engineering Student Council (MESC).